Danas su Nikica Jelavić i njegov odvjetnik održali presicu u Bar Plazi u Nemčićevoj ulici u Zagrebu. Jelavić je, putem svog odvjetnika Ante Nobila, najavio da će javnosti predstaviti “materijalne dokaze” koji, prema njegovim riječima, dovode u pitanje tvrdnje članova stranke Možemo, točnije Ivane Kekin i Sandre Benčić. “Došlo je vrijeme za odgovor, za istinu. […]
The text centers on Nikica Jelavić's public response to accusations made against him by members of the Možemo party, particularly Ivana Kekin and Sandra Benčić.
Jelavić, through his lawyer Ante Nobilo, claims he is a victim of the party's political campaign and intends to present evidence that challenges their accusations. He believes the party incorrectly portrayed him as a "mafia member" and tarnished his reputation, while he was ultimately cleared of any charges.
The core idea is that Jelavić is fighting back against what he sees as a false and politically motivated attack on his character and integrity, aiming to expose the truth and clear his name.
The text centers on Nikica Jelavić's public response to accusations made against him by members of the Možemo party, particularly Ivana Kekin and Sandra Benčić. Jelavić, through his lawyer Ante Nobilo, claims he is a victim of the party's political campaign and intends to present evidence that challenges their accusations. He believes the party incorrectly portrayed him as a "mafia member" and tarnished his reputation, while he was ultimately cleared of any charges. The core idea is that Jelavić is fighting back against what he sees as a false and politically motivated attack on his character and integrity, aiming to expose the truth and clear his name.